About the BTC

The Basement Teen Center (BTC) offers drop-in space, arts programming, games, food, and more, in and around Montpelier. It is safe space for positive activities and socialization during after-school and summer hours. The BTC is not just for Montpelier teens; all youth ages 12 through 17 are welcome!


PREP is an evidence-based curriculum that builds skills to prevent STI and HIV transmission and unintended pregnancy.

You can read more about PREP here, and parents/guardians can register and give permission here. 

Where is the BTC?

Monday & Wednesday @ Vermont Humanities

3-6 pm. Drop-in at 11 Loomis St. Make some art, play a game, catch up with friends, have a snack. Thank you, Vermont Humanities, for hosting the BTC! [Entrance marked in photo below]

Opening is based on volunteer availibility. Check This Week at the BTC for our up-to date calendar!

Tuesdays & Thursdays @ ORCA Media

3-6 p.m.

Drop-in at 62 Ridge Street (southeast entrance of Stone Science Hall), on the VCFA campus. All teens are welcome to hang out, play games, and eat snacks. Teens are also welcome to learn about media production, cameras, editing, reporting, etc., and ORCA staff will be available to instruct you. What a great opportunity! Thank you, ORCA Media.

Friday Nights @ Cardboard Teck

3-8 p.m. Games! Art! Dinner!

Drop-in at 46 Barre Street (side entrance), at the Center for Arts and Learning. All teens are welcome to participate, or just hang out with friends, meet new friends, or grab a snack. Cardboard Teck Instantute has generously offered to host the BTC in this space for a number of Fridays to come. Thank you, Cardboard Teck, for hosting the BTC! [Entrance marked in photo below]

Opening is based on volunteer availibility. Check This Week at the BTC for our up-to date calendar!

spaces for the BTC

If you have any ideas of spaces for the BTC, in or near Montpelier, please share with us! It could be a place we could meet daily, once a week, occasionally, or a one-time event. 

You can email thoughts to rmorgan@elevateyouthvt.org, or fill out this form: Spaces for the BTC

our old City Hall space

The BTC’s old basement space was a total loss in the July 11th storm, and it isn’t likely that we’ll ever be back there.

Thank you!

…to everyone that helped haul out decades worth of memories.

The Basement Teen Center is a program of Elevate Youth Services
652 Granger Rd, Suite 2, Barre, VT 05641
Phone: (802) 229 9151 x234
Fax: (802) 229-2508